Medical marijuana has already been approved in a greater number of states and countries than recreational marijuana – and for good reason. The health benefits of taking CBD oil prescribed by a medical professional are many, and they can impact not only the patient’s physical health, but their mental and emotional well-being as well.

Unfortunately, the nature of the drug along with its past reputation has led to the need for very strict measures to be taken even in areas where its medical use was legalized. Getting a medical marijuana card is, therefore, a necessary obstacle before you can enjoy the numerous benefits that the drug can offer.medical marijuana dispensary near me

Exploring the Requirements of Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

Typically, whether you live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal or not, you still have the right to apply for a medical marijuana card, as long as you have one or more of the conditions that can make you eligible according to that state’s laws. Currently, laws keep shifting, but many states still stand firmly against a policy that allows for the unhindered use of marijuana products, even for health purposes.

A marijuana card essentially allows you to get a regulated dosage of cannabis oil or some other medically approved product to treat the condition that you have. Some states, like Colorado at a medical marijuana dispensary near me – where both recreational and medical marijuana have been legalized – the requirements are less drastic. You can get your card as long as you are diagnosed with one of a number of diseases ranging from PTSD to cancer, HIV and various medical conditions that cause severe pain, seizures, nausea, persistent muscle syndrome or Cachexia. Even children can be approved for a marijuana card and smaller dosages regulated by a licensed physician, as long as they have one of the conditions mentioned above.

In other states, marijuana is far more strictly regulated. Ohio is one of the worst, according to numerous patients who have tried to get approved for their medical marijuana cards. Most of them will tell you that the guidelines there are extremely strict, rivaling those in the South – including states such as Texas and Virginia, the latter only permitting cannabis oils with a very low THC concentration.

Future Progress

Medical marijuana has, of course, evolved a lot in recent years, and the future is definitely bright. Even Texas lawmakers are making progress in creating a more comprehensive medical marijuana program, passing a 2019 bill that expands on the list of qualifying conditions a great deal – including epilepsy and other seizure disorders, as well as terminal cancer, various forms of autism and incurable neuro-degenerative disorders.

Despite this victory, legalized medical marijuana is still limited to 0.5% THC in many places, while in others, edibles are strictly forbidden. These issues are causing a lot of frustration for people with medical disorders like asthma, for whom smoking or vaping can do a lot more harm than good.

Fortunately, officials and activists continue to negotiate and push the legislation forward through their efforts. As time goes by, greater freedom for creating better medical marijuana programs might be possible in the near future.